Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Great things happening for Team Focus

Great things are happening! So many doors are opening and it is great to see Team Focus growing. The Auburn-Opelika program is up and running and has plenty of room to grow. This week there were some major partnerships made in Montgomery that will allow us to begin having meetings within the next month. Ground-work is being laid in Troy for us to begin programming there, and Prattville is still on the radar for expansion.


When I was hired at the beginning of this year we were struggling to keep afloat the program in Auburn-Opelika, but over the past few months so many great opportunities and partnerships have been made in order for us to be able to reach more young men with the benefits of our program. It is very encouraging to see.


However, we are still looking for more resources, volunteers, and support from the communities where we have chapters. We are a small program and it doesn't take much for us to be able to provide a lot for the fatherless young men we work with. It is important for us to have good Christian men in the community to help, churches who are willing to provide support, and people who are willing to help provide resources for our young men. Team Focus is a tremendous program, and I am truly blessed to be involved with such a great organization.


As we move forward with expanding our program in the east and central Alabama areas we still face many challenges to come. Please keep us in your prayers and giving as we continue to help guide young men to the ultimate victory.


T.J. Martin

Montgomery, AL


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Trials are a joyful process

James 1:2-3 (NIV) says, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance." Here James is telling us to consider the trials we face to be a joyous occasion. I don't know about you, but when I am facing tests and trials I am usually not very joyful. However, James is telling us that we need to think more long term. We may face trials now and think short-term, but we should be thinking more long-term. Going through those trials and tests of faith will help develop in us more patience and perseverance, and that is a cause for joy!
If you're facing a trial or test of faith today, know that God can use it to make you a better person, so there should be cause for joy even through the toughest trial. Remember that trials are a joyful process.
This is T.J. Martin, with another thought to consider.
Montgomery, AL


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Are you being "Christlike" today?

The term "Christlike" can be confusing, however, I feel the term relates to our attitudes as Christians. Ruth Bell Graham said, "the term has to do with Christ's attitude toward His Father's will."

At times we as Christians are not the best representation. Many times our attitude is not very "Christlike." How should we answer those who are discouraged with Christianity because of Christians who do not represent Christ well?

I believe Dr. Akbar Haqq said it best when he said, "I am not offering you Christians ... I am offering you Christ."
Christ was perfect, we are not. As Christians we must put our trust in Him who was perfect, and do our best to stay in His will, imitate Christ, be "Christlike", and have the attitude of Christ.

Are you doing your best to be "Christlike" today? Another thought to consider.

T.J. Martin
Opelika, AL

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Concept of Grace

Sometimes it is hard for us as humans to fully understand grace. We hear the phrase "His grace is sufficient," which comes from 2 Corinthians 12:9, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." However, at times grace can be hard to actually understand, and even harder for us to put into practice. We ask ourselves how our sin can be fully covered by His grace.


Dr. David Jeremiah once said, "The concept of grace is hard to understand because it's so far removed from how we as fallen people relate to each other. But grace is grace--and grace changes things." In Romans 5:20 it says, "...where sin abounded, grace abounded much more, so that as sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."


Another thought to consider,


T.J. Martin

Opelika, Alabama