Sunday, March 20, 2011

My Spring Break 2011 thoughts

I consider myself very blessed to be pursuing a masters degree in a high-caliber program at a terrific university. I was blessed to have a life-changing job with a wonderful organization right out of college, and now have successfully transitioned to another wonderful job that provides for all my needs while providing an opportunity for a graduate degree.

It is precisely because I recognize the opportunities provided that I am so focused on ensuring the responsibilities given me are not only fulfilled but exceeded. For me spring break was not filled with trips, family visits, or vacation but that opportunity to not only catch up but to get ahead.

With a panel proposal being submitted this week for NCA in November, an opportunity to attend and volunteer at my first communication conference (SSCA in Little Rock this week), and presenting at a symposium at the end of the month, I am doing everything I can to jump into my academic field and get my feet wet.

This dedication is not without its downsides. This is no doubt one of my most exhausting periods. Lack of sleep, lack of social life, and lack of time for exercise is playing a toll on my overall state of personal well-being; however, if I can make it through, and set a positive, productive foundation then I should have no problem in attaining not only an MA degree but  be able to open up doors to the next level as well.

Those are the thoughts I've been considering recently.

Timothy (T.J.) Martin
Tuscaloosa, AL