Friday, January 29, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
An answered prayer
A prayer was answered today, and I have been reminded that the Lord is most certainly in control. Sometimes it may seem like things are not going as planned, but we must remember that the the Lord is always at work in us and for us.
I have had to come to understand that He is in control, and when I grow impatient I need to sit back and know He is God and is in control.
Remember to be still and know that He is God. Just another thought to consider.
T.J. Martin
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Let God direct your path
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.
~ Proverbs 3: 5-6 (NIV)
When I started college at Troy University I had a set goal of what I wanted to do with my life. I was going to be a high school teacher, but God had a different path for my life. It was while in college, in 2006, when I discovered I had been given a gift, a rare talent, an ability I didn't know I had. The Lord has given me a talent for public speaking, and with His guidance He led me to the communication studies major.
Since becoming a communications major I have had to learn the true meaning of patience. I went from a major that had a set end with a set career to a major where my career was uncertain. I am the type of person who plans out my daily activities with great detail. I set short-term and long-term goals, live by a strict schedule, and enjoy being able to check items off my to-do list. With the accomplishment of one goal, graduating college, I am left with a blank page before me.
I knew the Lord led me to the communications field for a reason; however, I have not yet discovered what purpose the Lord has for my life. The Lord always answers prayers. He may say yes, no, or wait; but He always gives an answer. I've been asking since 2006 what plan the Lord has for my life, and He has been telling me to wait. He has not yet revealed His plan for my life, but I know I must stay in His will.
I have realized that it is good to plan ahead, but I must always be open to God-appointed changes and God-appointed direction in my life. I am learning the true meaning of patience, and I know that as long as I acknowledge the Lord in all my ways, He will direct my path.
If you are waiting for God to answer your prayers; remember to acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will direct your path. Just another thought to consider.
The next governor of Alabama will have some tough decisions to make. From the out-of-control healthcare costs to government spending and unemployment, we need a governor who will make the tough decisions that have to be made. It was a good experience to be able to attend the Alabama Gubernatorial Forum that was held in Opelika last night. After listening to the four candidates present, I believe all of them are qualified for the position, that is . . . to a degree.
All the candidates were invited to come learn about the Harvest Evangelism ministry that serves men and women in need from all walks of life. A terrific ministry started by Rick Hagans, provides many men and women with hope of overcoming addictions. Out of all the candidates, Kay Ivy was not above visiting with the men of His Place at lunch that day. Kay Ivy is a loveable grandma with what I believe is the most experience with fiscal responsibility. As far as presence, she certainly appeals to true southern conservatives with her down-home, southern draw and quick whips.
Dr. Robert Bentley seems not just have ideas, but is versed enough to articulate well thought-out solutions. He may be educated, but the doubt lies in whether his experience could transfer into ability. Running a private business, and serving in the state house, in my opinion, are not stepping stones to the governorship. It didn't seem as though Ivy or Bentley have a strong enough presence or rhetorical capability to be able to rally voters and compete against a figure like Artur Davis in an election.
Tim James is likeable, has presence, but didn't appear to be as confident on stage as others. At times I felt his body language communicated frustration and a lack of confidence in what he was saying. As with Bentley, I am uncertain if Tim James's experience as a businessman could automatically transfer him into having the ability to be governor.
Byrne seemed to have stronger emotional appeal, but that could have been because the audience was stacked with his supporters. As for experience, he has worked as the Chancellor of the two-year college system, and has served in the state senate. Both James and Byrne are typical politicians, and seemed to be saying a lot of the same things. Both James and Byrne have a strong enough presence or rhetorical capability to be able to rally voters and compete against a figure like Artur Davis in an election. When it comes down to James and Byrne, it looks like support, money, and experience are the three key elements of difference. There is something to be said about appearance, and when you have money you can pay to look good. Upon arriving I believe I had at least 6 different people hand me Byrne material. With signs, brochures, bumper stickers I was bombarded with more Byrne material than material from any other candidate.
This is just a quick summation of my opinion as it pertains to the candidates for the Republican nomination. Being that they are all Republicans, they are automatically pro conservative values. So I wasn't paying attention to those answers from the candidates. What I was interested in from the candidates are ideas and solutions, how their experience can be applied, and their viability as a candidate against Democratic opposition.
Well, those are just my thoughts to consider, take it or leave it
T.J. Martin
Opelika, AL