Sunday, May 16, 2010

Is there a simpler life?

So I have been thinking about our current society. We focus on politics, news, money, and all kinds of material possessions. We spend our days absorbed in all kinds of technology and media. Generation after generation is being conditioned to this fast-paced, technology-drenched, material-possessed living. Is it too much to ask for us to step away from these things for awhile?

I've been reflecting on where I am currently at in my life, and I have reached a conclusion. Most everyone in this society is after financial stability. We seek jobs that have great salaries, benefits, 401Ks but for what reason? We are seeking financial stability. Not just currently, but long term. We want to be able to make enough money to support a family, have money set aside so we can retire, and some people want to have enough to make a difference and help others. Currently in our society money is one main resource needed to do these things adequetly. Therefore we spend our lives on a quest for education, training, or whatever else we need to obtain a career that provides us with enough money.

However, if you had an opportunity to live where you could provide for your family, retire securely, and help others without requiring money, would you want to? Are there any places in this would where that is possible? Is it even possible in the world of today to go back and live a content life where a paycheck, stock portfolio, and retirement account are not necessary? I believe it is, and although I'm not risky enough to attempt to do so yet, I am interested in learning about the opportunities to do so. 

Some people take vacations to retreat from this fast-paced world we live in. What if we could escape it altogether and still live a successful and content life? How many people would we be willing to trade in our fast-paced, technology-drenched, material-possessed living to have more time to focus on the things that really matter in life?

Just another thought to consider.

T.J. Martin
Opelika, AL

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